Sunday, June 20, 2010

Innoventuitive Business Strategy or The Art of Delivering a Consumer Experience Beyond Great!

Innoventuitive is a word play on Innovation, Invention and Intuition!

Let us first read the meanings of the three words from one of the leading online dictionaries.

Innovation is defined by the Merriam Webster as
1 : the introduction of something new
2 : a new idea, method, or device: Novelty

Invention is defined by the same source as
1 : Discovery , Finding
2 : Productive Imagination
3 a : something invented: as (1) : a product of the imagination; especially : a false conception (2) : a device, contrivance, or process originated after study and experiment b : a short keyboard composition featuring two- or three-part counterpoint
4 : the act or process of inventing


Intuition is defined as
1 : quick and ready insight
2 a : immediate apprehension or cognition b : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition c : the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference.

I believe these three factors are the most powerful to understand and anticipate a customers need, put the imagination of creative minds to test and to come up with a product or service, not expected or delivered today !

There I could stop here but let me explain how I think companies need to go from innovation strategies to Innoventutitive strategies.

Business has dramatically changed and the speed of business and information flow is much faster than ever before. On-demand has a whole new meaning today and every day the time interval for any action becomes shorter and shorter. Top technology companies like Google certainly revolutionized the power of the online search and now is focussing on the mobile platform, Apple and Microsoft continue to challenge the way we think about computers, mobility and interfacing with technology, Intel continues to redefine the limits of processors, IBM is fostering a smarter planet , General Electric is reinventing the way we know energy and the examples go on and on.

What does this mean to your company? How and why are consumer behaviors changing?
For one the average consumer is becoming spoilt with choices,
second they have access to a lot more information to take a decision,
third, they are getting more and more simplification of previously tedious or complex processes,
fourth they are exposed to new challenges replacing the old ones which now do not exist because the essence of civilization is change and moving forward
finally they are being pampered to impatience through quick delivery!

The web and mobile options means, one can check the truth in your statements and value propositions anytime anywhere, including third party and consumer reviews. The smarter search engines mean they can get good answers and collaborate with someone on the other side of the globe QUICK. Smarter gadgets and appliances allow us to reduce the time we spend doing mundane chores and be more effective. I am willing to bet that smarter surroundings are making us think in new ways and dimensions. Finally if there is a customer, with a need not fulfilled, they want great companies to discover, understand it, develop into a product or service and deliver FAST!

So the only way to be beyond great is to actually anticipate the need without the rational yet being fully established- that is Intuition, to test the limits of current models or thinking that is innovation and actually deliver a product or service to fulfill it, that is invent!

Happy INNOVENTUITING! Hey on a current subject- can anyone make a vuvu filter before the round of 16?

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