Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What part of digitizing is surprising (the book publishers and et al)? The future of catalog sales?

This morning I was really shocked to hear on NPR that publishers of books still have not planned their digital strategy and are trying to fight it through litigation! Are we going to see another music industry repeat?

If the publishers and for that matter anybody in the business of distributing data/information that can be digitized - made easy to access online and on demand - still have not woken up- they have to be living under a rock!

Kindle / iPad, smart phones etc etc ... can you even step outside without smelling, seeing, and feeling the changes underway?

If the publishers do not want to serve the low end or the very high end market with published books and the mid tier market with digital publishing - and willing to cut costs - they might be looking at a very bleak future! And if they are surprised with the digital revolution - they must really look around at parallel businesses and even what happened to the encyclopedia!

I highly recommend more companies and industries to start thinking real time digital with compatible devices! This is the future- in fact if you have a lot of salesmen and customers regularly accessing data sheets and pricing for 1000+ products - getting them on-line , on demand and ready to order - even just by your partner channels is going to be key- so pick your device today, Pick your digitizing company today - and get going NOW - race ahead of the pack!

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